Original Prompt: Abandoned locations, Would You Go There?

I haven’t done original prompts in a few weeks or so, and this prompt just popped out of nowhere just now. Today’s topic is all about abandoned locations. Are there any abandoned places you would like to travel to? These places can be railroad yards, amusement parks, housing, remote areas, you name it. For this prompt research the place you’ve heard stories or read about on the internet. Include images and stories of these areas.

For instance, for today’s topic I’m going to write about “Treasure Island”, the amusement park that Disney abandoned in 1999. Write about which abandoned place you would go to and why? There’s no word count/limit for this post. Only state what the place is, where it’s located at and why would you want to go there.

Although I know the main reason why we would go to abandoned places(mostly for sheer curiosity) but I would like to hear everyone’s reasons behind it.

So, start writing and have a good day! 🙂

Talking Taboo: Writing About Sensitive Topics

The Daily Post

Over in the Commons for Writing 201, we’ve been working on finding our angles as writers. I’ve found myself responding to the same question from several bloggers: “I want to write about X, but I don’t want to seem too opinionated. What should I do?”

Hanging your opinion out on a global laundry line can be scary, especially when you’re writing about potentially contentious topics. We often tiptoe around those stalwarts of family dinner table arguments, politics and religion, but any issue on which two reasonable bloggers can differ can be divisive — and therefore scary — to tackle publicly. Human sexuality. Parenting decisions. Food choices. Who should win The Bachelor.

Today, let’s look at some dos and don’ts for writing about sensitive topics in ways that are both constructive and true to you.

First, a deep breath.

Before we delve into specifics, a pause and a deep breath for…

View original post 783 more words

Response to Day 6 of Boot Camp of Writing Prompts: Alphabet Poem

Adamant, describes a person’s firm nature, unscathed to pressure

Bold font is what I’m using the highlight the letters for this poem

Concentrate on your goals and life before your dreams

Demanding respect never works

Earning respect is what matters

Fall on a pillow not on the floor.

Hardwood floors causes splinters and concussions if you fall down.

Idols are only reserved for parents and grandparents not celebrities, choose the right people to idolize

Joking about sensitive topics like genocide, diseases and rape is unnecessary, don’t do it

Kangaroos are excellent boxers

Lemons when fresh make the best juice, it’s free from high fructose corn syrup

Mountains gives you a better view than binoculars.

Neglecting your studies will only lead you to failure.

Original is better than a clone

Pessimism is born from experience

Quizzes are the younger siblings of tests and exams.

Refreshing is another way of starting over.

Sunflowers have purifying properties.

Telepathy requires a lot of training and synchronization with another person

Umbrellas never have a long lifespan

Vaults have strong defenses.

Washtubs are a bad substitute for boats.

Xylophone is the second X letter word that has nine letters.

Yolks contains a lot of protein.

Zodiacs are a part of all of us.

Response to The Daily Post’s prompt: “Sudden Downpour”

“Welcome.” said the proprietor. I was startled to see someone in here. This shop looks like it hasn’t been used in years. The shelves and bookshelves are dusty. Some of the items here look as though no one has taken care of them.

“Hello. I’m here for an umbrella, if you sell one.” I declared. ” I have plenty of umbrellas. It’s how I make money of my money nowadays anyway.” The proprietor responded in a monotone voice. His sleepy eyes and menacing grin gives me a really bad vibe. I ignored it and decided to follow him with caution. “I’m only here for an umbrella anyway.” I thought to myself

The shop’s assortment of spoils catches my attention. Pottery that looks as if it was invented in the 1700 to 1800s. Porcelain dolls with big, soulless eyes staring blankly at each other. There were also puppets garbed in tuxedos that resembled puppets you’ve seen in Goosebumps and The Twilight Zone were staring at me. Ignoring the disturbing the wooden and glass made figures my attention shifted to the elder man.

He was shorter than me by a feet in a half. His arms were behind his back with hands clasped together. The proprietor’s piercing grin never left my mind the moment he approached me. “Here we are!” The proprietor spoke gleefully. He wasn’t kidding about the umbrellas. There were about a hundred boxes stacked neatly from wall to wall. The strangest things were these boxes were fairly new, as if they were delivered just last week.

With his free hand the proprietor grabs an umbrella wrapped in plastic except for the handle. Leaving the closet, I felt a slight wind behind me. It was like someone just ran past me. “Did you feel that. sir?” I asked with dread curiosity.

“No. I didn’t.” The proprietor said. His eerie grin turned to a frown as he said that.  “What the hell is up with this man?” I asked myself. “Eleven dollars please.” He stated in his endless monotone voice. As I hand the cash to the man, I backed away in fear seeing a clown puppet behind the proprietor. The clown had a similar grin the old man did. However the smile was more, demented; the clown’s eyes were shaped like a cat’s eyes.

The proprietor looked at the clown and back at me. He grinned again, “Come on, sonny. Really? Are you that scared of puppets?” he asked. I picked my ten and one dollar bill from the floor and slammed it on the desk. “What is your damage?!” I shouted in an angry tone.

“What is the deal with this antique shop? It looks like grim and as though I’m being watched.”

The proprietor took the money from my hands and handed the umbrella. “Let’s just say…that if you don’t want to know the history of these artifacts. I’d suggest you walk away and forget you ever stumbled upon here. I’ve been around a long time. This is not a threat. It’s a warning. You’re very perspective and have a gist of what the atmosphere of this store is.”

I gulped. His monotone voice shifted into a serious, gruff tone. What was more frightening was his frown curling into a toothy, menacing grin. I turn about-face with the umbrella in hand and flee. “The name is Barnaby. I hope to never see you again!”

It was still raining out and with my new umbrella I keep running as far away as I can. A week passed and I hear that an old antique shop was closed down because the owner moved his business elsewhere. I was relieved that creepy old man was gone. That relief ended quickly when I received a postcard in the mail. It was labeled, “Barnaby’s Antique Shop”. I turned the postcard and it said, “Remember, don’t tell anyone! >;)”

Response to Day 5 of Boot Camp of Writing Prompts: American Graffiti

I’m walking towards an abandoned train station. I usually go here because I have acquaintances who like to read and paint. This place is abandoned and no one, not even the city complains. It’s an abandoned railroad tunnel near a forest park so who would make a fuss, right? Anyway, I meet my friend, Terry. He’s in his late 30s to early 40s. I met Terry when I was volunteering at a library a few years ago. Terry keeps to himself sometimes, but he’s a friendly man.

There are also three other people who frequent this tunnel, Lenny, Krista, and Miles. They’re in their 20s like me, but they aren’t here today, just Terry. I see Terry sitting on his collapsible chair staring at the wall opposite of him. He looks forlorn as if his pet died. “Hey Terry!” I said in a cheerful voice.

“Oh, hello Louis. How’s it going?” He responded, looking at me and back at the wall. I look to see what was making him sad. It was graffiti on the wall. Not the regular graffiti that you see that’s done in an artistic fashion, but this graffiti was filled with hate, anger and despair. The spray-painted mosaic displayed an anarchy symbol, “the fall of Western civilization is upon us” in bland block lettering, and an eagle wrapped in an American flag with a dismal look on its face.

“Who done this?!” I asked in shock, “It couldn’t have been Lenny, Krista, and Miles, could it?” I wondered.

“I doubt it.” Terry responded.  “They’re not as pessimistic as some folks I know. I thought maybe you have done it.” Terry stated “I’ve mentioned before that artwork isn’t in my expertise. Sure I can be a pessimist but I wouldn’t do something like this. All the other artwork on this wall is ruined now.”

“It looks like it was done last night it seems. It wasn’t here yesterday. They work fast too, considering that eagle artwork would take at least a day or two.” I walk towards the spray paint covered wall to examine it. The anarchy symbol and “the fall of Western civilization is upon us” tags were spray painted. The depressed eagle was nothing more than a poster that was Xeroxed.

I walk out the tunnel and Terry followed suit. I take out my phone and call them. An hour later, Lenny, Krista and Miles arrives and see the wall of negativity. “Well whoever done it doesn’t want us here it seems.” Lenny spoke. “So what do we do now?” Krista wondered.

“Move somewhere else.” Miles replied. “Why? This has been our spot for a couple of years now.” I said. “Just because some idiots decided to put bad vibes on this wall, doesn’t excuse them for tarnishing your work.”

“Louis, as much I like your ideas and strong sense of justice, these are one of those times we should back off. Who knows what these people are capable of?” Krista noted.

“As much as I like this place. We’re going to have to leave. It’s no use getting into trouble or murdered if these people are doing this.” Krista continued.

“I don’t want to scare most of us, but I think we should stop doing this altogether and stick to a canvas or digital art.” Lenny said, looking at his phone. “Why is that?” I wondered.  Lenny hands me his phone and there was a headline “Graffiti Vandals Spray Painting Fear Mongering Art Police On The Hunt”

I knew there was no point in trying to find an alternate solution. “Well that’s that it seems. We’re going to have to stop coming here.” I declared. We all leave the tunnel and take one last look. Going on our separate way we decided to keep in touch with one another. The police still searched for the vandals but they continued to elude the police. Lenny, Krista, Miles and I returned to school after a long, uneventful summer. Terry still continued his physical therapist job.

We occasionally see each other every once in a while. Lenny, Krista and Miles had their artwork displayed at a modern art museum. They found something other than a tunnel to display their talents.

The Daily Post’s Daily Prompt: “Sudden Downpour”



Sudden Downpour

It was sunny when you left home, so you didn’t take an umbrella. An hour later, you’re caught in a torrential downpour. You run into the first store you can find — it happens to be a dark, slightly shabby antique store, full of old artifacts, books, and dust. The shop’s ancient proprietor walks out of the back room to greet you. Tell us what happens next!