Today’s Prompt: Feeling Less Than Human

I recently finished reading a novel called A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines for one of my English classes. Off topic, I’m taking two English classes for my final semester of community college. Sounds fun right (it’s fun but overwhelming)? Back on topic, the main character, Grant Higgins, must teach a young man named Jefferson how to be a man before he is executed for a crime he didn’t commit. I know most of you may have read this book so you know the outcome of what happens.

Today’s prompt is a bit unique and the events of this novel relates to what goes on in the media today involving young Black men such as myself. As you know from the novel, Jefferson is demonized by being called a hog. Grant does what he can to prove to Jefferson by telling him he’s not a hog.

We all have our moments when we feel like we’re not good enough or someone says something to us, out of anger and frustration usually, that gets under our skin. So for tonight’s final original prompt before the hiatus officially begins: Recall a time when you felt less than human. Did you fail a test? Did you make a mistake at work where your boss or co-worker made you feel upset? Did someone call you an animal or inhuman for any reason?

Let me know in the comments below or do pingback by linking my URL on your blog post.

The word length for this prompt is around 500 words or less. Try not to write about a story that’s too personal or hurtful to explain. I know it’s a bit contradictory, but if there are any stories that bring up old wounds or are too personal to share, you don’t have to.

Good night folks and keep on writing. I’ll see you soon!

Annoucement: Short Hiatus

Good evening followers! I hope you’re all doing well and keeping your pens and fingers busy. Mine has been busy a lot as of late which is why I’m typing this post. As of tonight, I’m taking a short hiatus from this blog. What this will mean is it will still be active but I won’t. My life has been a small roller coaster as of late. School is kicking my rear. I recently volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, rehabilitating a small family house. I had a great time and will be doing it again possibly next week (if transportation funds are well with me in the coming week, the perks of living in New York). I’m looking for part-time work.

I will post regularly on April 3rd to the 11th since I have Spring Break and back to hiatus mode. Now I said that this blog will be active. How if I’m not posting? I will be queuing posts from various blog sites, either from WordPress, Blogger or Tumblr. Although most of these posts won’t be original content I still want to provide helpful tips and prompts for you all to keep writing. I’ve been sapped out of creativity for writing prompts as of late, but luckily enough I’ve been doing independent writing for myself. There will be a new prompt tonight before I close the curtain when school’s over for me.

As a developing community, I want us to grow as writers. I believe that all of you including myself, whether we’re rookie or veteran writers can improve further. Remember there’s always room for improvement. The new prompt will be up in a moment. I just wanted to let you all know what’s going on. if you have comments, questions and suggestions on what I should do spark some creativity, I would greatly appreciate it. I hope you all keep on writing and have a safe weekend.

Later fellow writers. 🙂